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Interested in discussing something with a philosopher?


Perhaps you're struggling with a moral dilemma, a disagreement with a loved one, or a professional frustration of some kind. Whatever difficulty you face, analyzing it with a philosopher can help bring clarity to your situation. By identifying the key concepts and factors involved, considering alternative perspectives, and critically reflecting on your assumptions and beliefs, you will become better able to act or choose wisely. After all, "philosophy" literally means "love of wisdom!"


​I am a certified and fully-insured philosophical counselor with the American Philosophical Practitioners Association (APPA). However, I am not a licensed mental healthcare provider, nor do I purport to offer medical services of any kind.​

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Read more about philosophical counseling in this New Yorker article,

"When Philosophers Become Therapists."

Please follow the link below to chat with me now or to schedule an online counseling session with me. I offer 30-minute and 60-minute sessions at a rate of $100 per hour, to be paid in advance of our meeting.

Chat Now or Book an Appointment

Click here or on the image below to hire me through APPA Chat, the secure video conferencing platform of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association.

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